Cotton To Be Cultivated In 613660 Acres Land


Cotton to be cultivated in 613660 acres land

BAHAWALPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) A meeting of the District Cotton Management and Monitoring Committee here on Friday was held at the committee room of the Deputy Commissioner's office, chaired by Deputy Commissioner Zaheer Anwar Jappa.

The meeting reviewed the measures taken to increase the acreage of cotton cultivation and achieve better yields.

It was informed in the meeting that the district's cotton cultivation target had been set at 613,660 acres, out of which over 460,000 acres had been cultivated so far.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Director of Agriculture Extension, Hafiz Muhammad Shafiq, Assistant Director of Agriculture Dr. Masood Salim Bhatta, Assistant Director of Agriculture Pest Warning and Quality Control Shahid Hussain, progressive farmers, and officers from the departments of Agriculture, Irrigation, Water Management, and other relevant departments, fertilizer dealers, and cotton seed dealers.

The deputy commissioner said that cotton was a cash crop and landowners and cultivators should play their role in improving the country's economy by cultivating the crop on a larger scale and achieving better yields.

He directed the field officers and staff of the Department of Agriculture Extension to guide landowners and cultivators in the field to increase the acreage of cotton cultivation, achieve better yields, and educate them about modern agricultural practices.

He said that awareness should be provided about the correct use of pesticides to protect the cotton crop from harmful insects and regular pest scouting should be carried out.

The deputy commissioner said that the supply of canal water should be ensured till the tail.

Deputy Director of Agriculture Extension, Hafiz Muhammad Shafiq briefed the meeting that measures were being taken to increase the acreage of cotton cultivation and achieve better yields as per the instructions of the Government of Punjab.

He said that the field staff of the Department of Agriculture Extension was active throughout the district and was encouraging landowners and cultivators to grow more cotton and is providing on-site information on field preparation, use of modern agricultural machinery, use of approved cotton seeds, fertilizers, sprays, and timely water supply to achieve better cotton yields.