Court Awards Life Imprisonment To Drug Dealer

Court awards life imprisonment to drug dealer

The Additional Sessions Court Jehanian awarded life imprisonment and fine Rs one million to a drug dealer, on Saturday

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) The Additional Sessions Court Jehanian awarded life imprisonment and fine Rs one million to a drug dealer, on Saturday.

According to prosecution, a notorious drug dealer named Salahuddin son of Nizam Din, resident of Pasheen, used to supply Charas in various cities of south Punjab.

After a successful raid, Sub-Inspector Chaudhary Asghar arrested the drug dealer and seized 21 kilogram of Charas from his possession.

Additional Sessions Judge Tariq Saleem Chohan awarded life imprisonment to the outlaw. The drug dealer will face another six months imprisonment in case he did not pay the fine amount.

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