Farmers Warned Against Burning Crop Waste


Farmers warned against burning crop waste

SIALKOT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2024) Deputy Commissioner Muhammad Zulqarnain has said that setting fire to wheat residue is an offense and the Department of Agriculture would take action against people involved in it.

He expressed these views in meeting to review the Chief Minister initiative. Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) General Muzaffar Mukhtar, Assistant Commissioner (AC) Sialkot Anam Babar, AC Sambrial Ahsan Mumtaz Gondal, AC Daska Anwar Ali Kanju, AC Pasrur Qamar Manj, officials of Agriculture Extension and Local Government department were also present.

Muhammad Zulqarnain instructed the Assistant Commissioners (ACs) of the four tehsils to ensure the enforcement of the One Dish Act at marriage ceremonies and ensure the sale of bread (roti) at fixed rates as per the instructions of the Punjab Chief Minister and ensure the Suthra Punjab Program, municipal services including manhole repair and capping of open manholes and repair of damaged streetlights should be fixed.

Later, he visited the examination center at Govt. Jinnah Islamia College and reviewed arrangements. He also visited the business Facilitation Centre (BFC) on Anwar Club and e-Khidmat Markaz, Paris Road, and inquired about the quality of facilities and the attitude of the staff at the centers. He said that according to the vision of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, the quality of services of government departments is being improved and in this regard, information technology and one-window operation will be introduced.