Legal Aid Society Support Females, Transgenders Through Legal Law Advise

Legal aid society support females, transgenders through legal law advise

A one-day training workshop was held "titled Effective Case Referral Pathways between Mediators, Paralegals members and Community" Program organized by ADR Network in a local hotel on Wednesday in collaboration with the Legal Aid Society in Larkana

LARKANA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) A one-day training workshop was held "titled Effective Case Referral Pathways between Mediators, Paralegals members and Community" Program organized by ADR Network in a local hotel on Wednesday in collaboration with the Legal Aid Society in Larkana.

Senior Program Manager Abbas Ali, District Larkana Field Officer Zulfiqar Jokio, Community Advocate Noman Shaikh, Humira Dadoro, Monitoring Officer Aftab Bhutto and transgenders participated.

In the workshop, detailed training was also given on how to file an online complaint with the provincial and Federal ombudsman.

On this occasion, Senior Program Manager Abbas Ali introduced Legal Aid and said that Legal Aid was registered in 2013 and is working on various projects in 8 districts of Sindh and conducted 80 meeting.1981 Female and Transgenders has given legal law advise and create awareness among them for fight yourself for your cause.

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