MCHC, OT, Family Planning Centre Set Up At RCC; Dr Ansar Ishaq

MCHC, OT, Family Planning Centre set up at RCC; Dr Ansar Ishaq

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) A Mother and Child Health Care (MCHC) Unit, new Operation Theatre and Family Planning Centre had been set up at Red Crescent Complex (RCC) to provide the best healthcare facilities to mothers and children.

Secretary of Red Crescent Hospital Dr Ansar Ishaq told APP on Sunday that the new facilities had been established in collaboration with Green Star Social Marketing a non-governmental organisation and Health Department Punjab.

He added that the centre had been revamped with the help of Green Star including renovation of walls, floors, and furniture while medical equipment had also been provided.

Dr Ansar informed that Green Star Pakistan in collaboration with the Punjab Health Department was enhancing the health facilities across Punjab, especially the facility of Family Planning and presently this cooperation was being carried out in six districts of the province including Rawalpindi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Multan and Khaniwal.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chief Green Star Aalia Habib said that six health facilities had been revamped par international standards in Rawalpindi including dispensaries in Banni and Dhoke Mustaqeem area, Basic Health Unit Khail Sharif, MCH Red Crescent and Municipal dispensary in Millat Colony.

She added that Green Star social marketing was committed to providing the best healthcare facilities to the residents of the province with the cooperation of the health department, Punjab.
