Meeting Reviews Local Govt Bill

Meeting reviews Local Govt Bill

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th May, 2024) A meeting of the committee, formed by Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, was held at the Civil Secretariat, with Local Government Minister Zeeshan Rafique in the chair.

Secretary Local Government Punjab Shakeel Ahmed Mian and committee member MPAs also participated.

During the meeting, consideration was given regarding the preparation of the Local Government Bill. The committee members also reviewed various proposals for election to reserved seats in local bodies.

Addressing the meeting, the convener of the committee, Local Government Minister Zeeshan Rafique said that Maryam Nawaz's government wants to make such a law in Punjab which could ensure a long-lasting and stable local government system.

He said that the special committee would send its proposals and recommendations to the Punjab cabinet for final decision.

Local Government Minister said that effective legislation is necessary for the establishment of empowered local governments. "Devolution of powers will solve many problems at low level", he hoped. The committee will meet again next week.