Meeting Reviews Performance Of Tank Police

Meeting reviews performance of Tank Police

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) A meeting was held to review the performance of Tank Police here on Friday.

According to the police spokesman, Deputy Superintendent of Police(DSP) Rural Circle Tank, Sharifullah Khan Kundi chaired the meeting in this regard, attended by Station House Officers (SHOs) and Muharars of the circle.

The meeting thoroughly reviewed the performance of all the police stations in the circle and the DSP Sharifullah issued clear directives for the early arrest of suspects involved in serious cases and proclaimed offenders.

He emphasized the need for the recovery of murder and attempted murder weapons, as well as the collection of other evidence to ensure the successful prosecution of cases and to provide justice to complainants using all available resources.

He directed to intensify efforts to arrest those involved in theft and other criminal activities.

He also urged the policemen to intensify their operations against drug trafficking to wipe out the menace from society.