Mirpurkhas Hosts International "Hussan Qaraat"

Mirpurkhas Hosts International "Hussan Qaraat"

An international gathering of" Husn e Qirat" was held in the local hall of Mirpurkhas, in which internationally renowned reciters from Egypt, Afghanistan, Madinah Munawara, and Pakistan graced the atmosphere with their mesmerizing recitations

MIRPURKHAS, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Oct, 2023) An international gathering of" Husn e Qirat" was held in the local hall of Mirpurkhas, in which internationally renowned reciters from Egypt, Afghanistan, Madinah Munawara, and Pakistan graced the atmosphere with their mesmerizing recitations.

The event, held in a private hall in Mirpurkhas, featured reciters from these regions presenting the beautiful recitations of the Holy Quran. The gathering attracted a diverse audience, including scholars, teachers, students, and the general public.

Distinguished reciters, Qari Ali Ahmad Raza from Afghanistan, Muhammad Ahmed Abdul Hafiz al-Darniki from Egypt, Muhammad Luqman Al-Madani from Medina, and Abdul Rasheed from Lahore, showcased their Quranic recitations with remarkable voice, eloquence, and arrangement.

This international event aimed to promote the universal message of the Quran, and the world-renowned reciters left an indelible mark on the hearts of the audience, offering them spiritual and emotional solace.

Scholars in attendance emphasized that islam is a comprehensive religion and that the Quran is the final revelation from Allah, safeguarded by divine promise. The gathering concluded with a special prayer for the country's security and prosperity.
