Motorway Police Recover Cache Of Arms Near Burhan

Motorway Police recover cache of arms near Burhan

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 13th Mar, 2023 ) :The Motorway Police on Monday foiled an arms smuggling bid and seized a cache of arms and ammunition from a car near Burhan Interchange on M-1.

According to Motorway Police, a suspected car was signaled to stop near Burhan but the driver accelerated the vehicle in an attempt to escape.

The car was intercepted at some distance while the driver made his escape, leaving the car on the road. The Motorway Police, during the inspection, recovered a cache of arms including 81 pistols of 30 bore, 72 9MM pistols, one M-14 rifle, 2700 cartridges of SMG, 9700 cartridges of 30 bore and 165 magazines.

Motorway Police said the arms and ammunition were being smuggled to Punjab from Peshawar that could be used in subversive activities.

Case has been registered while the search for the escaped suspect was underway.