PM Directs Addressing Issues, Concerns Of Sindh Govt. Over Development

PM directs addressing issues, concerns of Sindh govt. over development

Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif on Wednesday directed for removal of issues and concerns of the Sindh government with regard to development

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif on Wednesday directed for removal of issues and concerns of the Sindh government with regard to development.

He also directed for expediting work on the ongoing federal funded uplift projects in the province.

The prime minister issued these directives during a meeting with Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah who called on him. Federal ministers Ahsan Iqbal, Ahad Khan Cheema and Sardar Awais Khan Leghari, Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Jehanzeb Khan and relevant senior officials also attended the meeting, the PM Office Media Wing said in a press release.

During the meeting, the prime minister said that for the revival of economy, the cooperation among the federation and the provinces was imperative, stressing that economic stability was their main objective.

The prime minister directed the federal ministers to seek permanent resolution to the financial, economic and other issues of the Sindh province.

He also asked for taking of all the provinces on board and including them in the consultation process during the preparation of the upcoming development budget.