PPP Focusing On Stability Of National Economy: Shazia Marri

PPP focusing on stability of national economy: Shazia Marri

Pakistan People's Party (PPP) Parliamentarians Secretary Information Shazia Ata Marri said that her party was primarily focusing on stability of national economy, stressing that while elections were inevitable, the party was not concerned about who sets the date for the general elections

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 14th Sep, 2023 ) :Pakistan People's Party (PPP) Parliamentarians Secretary Information Shazia Ata Marri said that her party was primarily focusing on stability of national economy, stressing that while elections were inevitable, the party was not concerned about who sets the date for the general elections.

She was giving a press briefing outside Bilawal House, here on Thursday. She was joined by Faisal Kareem Kundi and Shahzad Saeed Cheema during this briefing, which followed the PPP's Central Executive Committee (CEC) meeting.

During the CEC meeting, the matter of elections was thoroughly discussed, and Marri insisted that announcing the election date was as important as defining the Constituencies. She revealed that the next CEC session was scheduled for Friday, September 15, at Bilawal House in Lahore.

The previous CEC meeting, chaired by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, included prominent figures like former president Asif Ali Zardari, Faryal Talpur, former prime minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani, and other senior PPP members from across the country.

The meeting delved into various pressing issues, including the current political landscape, President Arif Alvi's recommendation to hold elections on November 6, and the absence of an election schedule from the Election Commission. She voiced strong concerns about what she alleged to be an attempt to corner the PPP.

Additionally, the meeting addressed the devastation caused by floods in certain provinces and the relief efforts in response.

Shazia Marri emphasized the PPP's commitment to upholding the constitution and fulfilling its constitutional duties.

Faisal Kareem Kundi, Secretary Information of the PPP, mentioned that Aitezaz Ahsan and Latif Khosa were invited to the meeting but they couldn't attend due to personal commitments. Latif Khosa's response was expected within seven days, according to Kundi.

Shahzad Saeed Cheema, Secretary Information of the PPP for Central Punjab, further underscored the challenges the party was currently facing in the prevailing political climate.