Punjab Assembly Deputy Speaker Visits Site Of Arts Council

Punjab Assembly Deputy Speaker visits site of Arts Council

Punjab Assembly Deputy Speaker Malik Zaheer Iqbal Channar on Wednesday visited the ongoing construction work of the Divisional Arts Council Bahawalpur

BAHAWALPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Punjab Assembly Deputy Speaker Malik Zaheer Iqbal Channar on Wednesday visited the ongoing construction work of the Divisional Arts Council Bahawalpur.

Deputy Commissioner Zaheer Anwar Jappa and Director Arts Council Sajjad Hussain was also present on this occasion.

The Deputy Speaker visited various sections of the under-construction building and inspected the progress.

He emphasized the importance of completing the development work of the Bahawalpur Arts Council building on time with high standards.

He assured that funds would be allocated for the remaining construction work of the building under the Annual Development Program.

He expressed that the beautiful building of the Bahawalpur Arts Council would be a gift for the local residents and individuals associated with art and culture.

During a briefing, Director Arts Council Sajjad Hussain informed that the under-construction building will include facilities like a 500-seat auditorium, art gallery, classrooms for art courses, literary gathering space, cafeteria, and library.