Punjab On Way To Progress: Minister

Punjab on way to progress: minister

SIALKOT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2024) Minister for Local Government Punjab Zeeshan Rafique has said under the leadership

of Punjab chief minister, the province has been put on the path to development and progress.

He stated this while addressing a public gathering on the inauguration of Road in Old Daska,

here on Monday.

He said the local government department was going to implement the largest and most comprehensive

solid waste and sanitation system to provide a clean environment to people of the province.

He said garbage dumps would not be seen any where, while energy and reusable materials would

be recycled from garbage which will clean the environment as well.

"We will not deviate from the promises made in the election and we will reconstruct

Daska", he added.

The minister said the PC-1 for construction of five new roads in Daska were ready and

work on these projects will be started in a few weeks while the construction of sewerage Naullah will

resolve problem of drainage.