Rescue 1122 For Adopting Preventive Measures In Wake Of Heat Wave


Rescue 1122 for adopting preventive measures in wake of heat wave

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Punjab Emergency Service (Rescue 1122) District Emergency Officer Mazhar Shah on Wednesday stressed for adopting precautions to mitigate heat-related illnesses.

While talking to APP here on Wednesday, he said that intense heat waves were being reported across many parts of the globe due to global warming.

Therefore it was vital to raise awareness among people about the symptoms associated with extreme heat exposure.He added that they are tiredness, dizziness, muscle cramps, nausea, sweating, rapid heartbeat, dark- colored urine etc.”

"The number of fatal heart attacks and strokes may also increased due to extreme heat wave",he warned.

He advised people to stay indoors during mid-day hours, keep well hydrated,wear light clothes and a hat with sunglasses.

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