Rs.28m More Generated From Contracts Of GBS, City Terminal

Rs.28m more generated from contracts of GBS, City Terminal

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th May, 2024) The district administration has generated Rs. 28 million more revenue from various contracts of General Bus Stand (GSB) and City Terminal this year.

A spokesman for Regional Transport Authority (RTA) said here on Sunday that Secretary RTA supervised the auction process in which contracts of vehicle fee, charpoy fee, washroom fee and cart parking fee were auctioned.

Giving some details, he said that the contract of vehicle fee was auctioned against Rs.31.25 million at City Terminal whereas these contracts were auctioned at Rs.25.7 million last year. Similarly, charpoy fee contract was auctioned against Rs.

10.1 million in GBS this year while it was auctioned against Rs.700,000 last year.

He said that washroom fee contract was auctioned against Rs.14.5 million in GBS this year whereas it was auctioned against Rs.8.9 million last year. Similarly, cart stand contract was auctioned against Rs.13 million in GBS this year while it was auctioned against Rs.5.5 million last year.

In this way, Rs.9.4 million more generated from the charpoy contract in GBS, Rs.5.6 million more generated from washroom contract, Rs.7.5 million more from cart contract in GBS and Rs.5.55 million more generated from vehicle fee in City Terminal, he added.

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