Secretary Visits Wheat Procurement Centers


Secretary visits wheat procurement centers

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Apr, 2023 ) :Secretary Local Government Punjab Dr. Irshad Ahmad on Friday visited Faisalabad and inspected wheat procurement centers at Jaranwala, Tandlianwala and Buchiana.

Speaking on the occasion, he said that comprehensive strategy was being implemented for purchase of wheat in a transparent manner. In this connection, all necessary facilities were also being provided to the wheat growers.

He also interacted with the farmers during inspection of wheat procurement centers and said that Punjab government had taken a number of steps for welfare and betterment of the farming community.

He assured the farmers that their rights would be protected and no one would be allowed to exploit them during wheat procurement campaign.

He further said that all administrative machinery had been mobilized to supervise the wheat procurement campaign.

He warned the center staff to perform their duties honestly, otherwise strict action would be taken against negligent, lethargic and delinquent elements.

He directed the incharge of procurement center to immediately redress farmers' complaints by providing them best service. He also inspected arrangements of wheat storage capacity and directed that safety of purchased wheat should be ensured.

Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Headquarters (HQ) Kashif Raza Awan briefed the secretary about details of wheat procurement campaign and arrangements of its storage.

He said that a target of 110,000 metric tons wheat was fixed for Faisalabad and in this connection 11 wheat procurement centers were established and regular monitoring would be carried out.

Assistant Commissioner (AC) Jaranwala Shoukat Sindhu and District food Controller (DFC) Waqar Yousuf were also present on the occasion.