Shah Allah Ditta Caves In Margalla Hills Offer 2400 Years Ancient Relics


Shah Allah Ditta caves in Margalla Hills offer 2400 years ancient relics

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Apr, 2020 ) :The scenic Margalla Hills hides the jem of archeological master piece of Shah Allah Ditta caves preserving around 2400 years old Bhuddist era murals.

The ancient caves depict one of the nestling places of Buddhism in the region that are located in sector E-11 of the Federal capital.

Shah Allah Ditta caves have various engravings of Buddha on its wall that are extremely pleasing and appealing,an official told APP.

He said that Interestingly, relics of the Buddhist era dating back to the 8th century can be found here.

After a meticulous observation of the site it could be seen as the archaeological evidence indicates that the caves and the platform-like formations surrounding the area were first used for meditation by Buddhist monks and later by Hindu sadhus before Muslim ascetics took over during the Mughal period,he said.

He informed that Shah Allah Ditta caves in different have remained the centre of attraction in different epochs of rising religions in the subcontinent.

����������������������������������������������������������� These caves also have religious significance for local people because the devotees visit this place quite often. There were omens of burning "diyas" on walls of the cave that and many amulets or "taveez" were also tied around the roots of Banyan trees,he stated.������������������������������������.������������ �� The village is believed to be more than seven hundred years old and was used as route from Kabul to the Gandharan city of Taxila by Alexander The Great and Sher Shah Suri while Mughal rulers and other emperors often passed through while traveling from Afghanistan to the Hindustan.

He said that that a large number of local tourists as well as foreigners regularly visit the Shah Allah Ditta caves.

He said various aspects were being reviewed to further improve the caves to attract more tourists.

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