Shops Gutted In Terrible Suspicious Fire Mishap In IIOJK


Shops gutted in terrible suspicious fire mishap in IIOJK

MIRPUR ( AJK) Nov. 20 (APP) :, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point news - 20th Nov, 2023) In Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir state, two shops were engulfed in flames during a late evening suspecious blaze at Kalantra Kreeri market in Baramulla district on Sunday, says a report reaching here Monday from across the line of control.

The cause of tregic incident could not immediately be ascertained.

The report continued that the tregic incident involved a medical lab owned by Aajiz Ahmed Mir.

Swift response from the locals contained the fire, preventing its further spread,the report said.

"There were no reported injuries or loss of life in the tregic mishap, according to the report.

While both shops damaged in the blaze, currently engaged to determine the cause of the fire., the report added.