Taxidermy Workshop Concludes At Sargodha University


Taxidermy workshop concludes at Sargodha University

The Department of Zoology, University of Sargodha, organised a two-day workshop on taxidermy, aimed at providing students with practical knowledge and skills in the art and science of preserving animal specimens

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) The Department of Zoology, University of Sargodha, organised a two-day workshop on taxidermy, aimed at providing students with practical knowledge and skills in the art and science of preserving animal specimens.

The concluding session was attended by Vice Chancellor UoS Prof. Dr Qasir Abbas, Pro Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Mian Ghulam Yasin, Dr. Misbah Sarwar, Deputy Director Punjab Wildlife Research and Training Institute Faisalabad, Dean Faculty of Science Prof. Dr. Amir Ali, Prof. Dr. Shahid Mukhtar, Chairperson Department of Zoology, students, faculty members, and wildlife enthusiasts.

Prof. Qaisar Abbas highlighted the importance of such workshops in the academic curriculum.

He remarked, “Workshops like these are pivotal in providing our students with hands-on experience and practical knowledge that go beyond classroom learning. The taxidermy workshop is a testament to our dedication to integrating practical skills with academic excellence."

Experts introduced the participants to various techniques of taxidermy, including skinning, mounting and finishing touches that bring life-like qualities to preserved animals. The workshop emphasised ethical practices in taxidermy, highlighting the importance of preserving specimens for educational and scientific purposes.