UAE Ambassador Calls On CM, Explores Bilateral Cooperation

UAE Ambassador calls on CM, explores bilateral cooperation

Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Hamad Obaid Ibrahim Salem Al-Zaabi, convened with Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi at the Chief Minister's Office on Friday

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th Nov, 2023) Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Hamad Obaid Ibrahim Salem Al-Zaabi, convened with Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi at the Chief Minister's Office on Friday.

An agreement was formalized between the UAE and the Punjab Health Department during this meeting, focusing on the handover of the hospital constructed by the UAE in the 'Gulab Wala' area of 'Athara Hazari' Tehsil, Jhang, to the Punjab government.

UAE Ambassador Hamad Obaid Ibrahim and Provincial Health Secretary Ali Jan inked the agreement, facilitating the transfer of Gyne Hospital from the UAE to the Punjab government. While the United Arab Emirates government erected the hospital building, the agreement stipulates that the building is now under the jurisdiction of the Punjab Health department, and the hospital would be operated by the Punjab government.

UAE Ambassador Hamad Obaid Ibrahim extended an invitation to the CM to participate in the UAE National Day ceremony, which the CM graciously accepted, expressing gratitude to the UAE Ambassador.

Discussions during the meeting encompassed the expansion of cooperation across various sectors, including energy, forests, and transport.

The chief minister congratulated the UAE Ambassador on attaining his doctorate degree, highlighting Punjab's full representation in the Pakistan Pavilion at the Conference of Party 28 Environment Summit.

In response, the UAE Ambassador commended Mohsin Naqvi for his active and dedicated service to the people, expressing confidence that the chief minister's immediate initiatives would bring relief to the public.

The meeting was attended by provincial ministers Amir Mir, Dr. Jamal Nasir, Additional Chief Secretary, Senior Member Board of Revenue, Chairman Planning and Development Board, Additional IG, Secretary to Chief Minister, Secretaries of Agriculture, Irrigation, Health, Information, and other related officials.