Violent Protest Never Witnessed In Country As Done By PTI: Sindh Information Minister, Sharjeel Inam Memon


Violent protest never witnessed in country as done by PTI: Sindh Information Minister, Sharjeel Inam Memon

Sindh Information Minister, Sharjeel Inam Memon, on Wednesday, said that PTI Chairman Imran Khan was arrested in a corruption case registered under a proper course of law by the NAB and he has to plead it before the court Addressing a press conference he said that various political leaders have been arrested in Pakistan at different times, but such a violent protest had never been witnessed in the history of the country as done by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) the other day

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 10th May, 2023 ) :Sindh Information Minister, Sharjeel Inam Memon, on Wednesday, said that PTI Chairman Imran Khan was arrested in a corruption case registered under a proper course of law by the NAB and he has to plead it before the court Addressing a press conference he said that various political leaders have been arrested in Pakistan at different times, but such a violent protest had never been witnessed in the history of the country as done by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) the other day.

Instead of spreading violence and unrest and playing with people's lives, the PTI leadership should plead their case at the relevant legal forums, he said and warned that those who take the law into their hands and are found involved in acts of arson, road blockage and damages to state property would be dealt with strictly according to the law.

PTI set the vehicles of water board on fire, burned the buses of People's Bus Service and destroyed the travel facility of thousands of citizens, he alleged and asked "What the citizens of Karachi did to you that you burnt their buses?" Whatever PTI has done was unacceptable and it could only please the anti-national forces and hostile foreign media who were playing up those video clips, he stated.

He said that O and A levels examinations were postponed due to PTI's violent protest in Pakistan that was serious damage to students of the country.

He said that the Sindh Chief Minister on the occasion demonstrated his wisdom and clearly instructed that the road should be cleared but any kind of conflict should be avoided.

He said that peaceful protest was everyone's right and the government would also provide grounds and facilities for peaceful protest. But if someone violates the law the government will take strict legal action, he reiterated.

No democratic party has ever staged such a violent protest and even on the heart-wrenching incident of the martyrdom of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto, PPP leadership raised the slogan of "Pakistan Khapey".

Asif Ali Zardari had to spend 12 years in prison on false charges and was later acquitted of those fabricated cases by the courts, he said adding that Faryal Talpur, Agha Siraj Durrani, Khurshid Shah, Ijaz Jakhrani and he himself were arrested in different baseless cases but PPP never came in confrontation with state institutions.

Sharjeel Memon said that Imran Khan had targeted his political opponents and today he himself was behind bars due to the corruption he had committed.

The minister asked the citizens to open their shops and businesses and assured that the government would provide complete protection to them.