World Breastfeeding Week Campaign In Mirpurkhas

World breastfeeding week campaign in Mirpurkhas

A two-day seminar on Saturday organized World breastfeeding week campaign in Mirpurkha

MIRPURKHAS, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Aug, 2023 ) :A two-day seminar on Saturday organized World breastfeeding week campaign in Mirpurkhas.

According to information, a two-day seminar was organized in Mirpurkhas by Sindh health department with collaboration of UNICEF and Shifa Foundation in connection with world mother feed week and the Importance of Mother's Milk.

Seminar Chaired by Deputy Commissioner (DC) Mirpurkhas Noor Mustafa Laghari on this occasion efficacy of breast milk, mother's health and the legal points made by the government were also discussed briefly.

Participants DC Mirpurkhas, Director Health Dr.

Sharif, District Health Officer, Dr. Jairamdas, UNICEF and senior officials of the health department took an awareness walk was organized at the beginning of the Seminar in which hundreds of people participated.

On the second day of the seminar, Director Health Dr. Sharif presided over the program.

Director Health, DHO, Additional DHO Dr. Shakoor and other representatives of the health department and NGO gave detailed information to the participants regarding this global week and appreciated the services of frontline workers.