PODA To Organize Celebration Of Int'l Day Of World's Indigenous Peoples On August 9


PODA to organize celebration of Int'l Day of world's indigenous peoples on August 9

Potohar Organization for Development Advocacy (PODA) would organize celebration of International Day of world's indigenous peoples on August 9

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Aug, 2019 ) :Potohar Organization for Development Advocacy (PODA) would organize celebration of International Day of world's indigenous peoples on August 9.

The event will be held at The Farm at Theatre Wallay's space here. It is a free event.

Asfandyar Khattak - a classical dancer - will perform Pakistan's indigenous dances at the occasion, being Khattak, Asfandyar will perform the "Khattak-waal Ataanr". While speakers would give presentations on the issue, said a press release.

Asfandyar Khattak started learning classical dance Kathak in 2001 from Saima Khushnood. In 2007, he became dance student of Mrs. Indu Mitha, classical dance master.

PODA is a women's rights NGO registered under Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Ordinance working for the promotion and protection of human rights in rural areas of Pakistan since 2003.