Inter-Regional Futsal Championship In Mansehra From Jun 11

Inter-Regional Futsal Championship in Mansehra from Jun 11

PESHAWAR, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 6th Jun, 2022 ) :Inter-Regional Futsal Championship will be played in Mansehra from June 11 to 12, Secretary General Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Futsal Association Moeen Uddin told media men here on Monday.

He said all arrangements had already been done well in time for the smooth conduct of the Inter-Regional Futsal Championship where a total of 15 Regional teams including merged tribal areas would participate.

Moeen Uddin said that out of the Inter-Regional Futsal Championship, a team of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa would be selected for the forthcoming National Futsal Championship to be played in July this year in Islamabad.