Muslim Girls Names Starting with U
Muslim Girls Names Starting with U - Find the unique and most popular baby Quranic Girls Names Starting with U with Urdu & English meanings. UrduPoint provides updated Muslim Girls Names Starting with U for new born baby with detail meanings, origin & lucky number.
Girls Names By Alphabet
Islamic Baby Girl Names & Starting with "U" Alphabet
Sr. | Name | Urdu Name | Meaning |
1 | Ubaida | عبیدہ | غلام |
2 | Ubaidah | عبیدہ | غلام |
3 | Udeesa | ادیسہ | پردیس |
4 | Udeesah | ادیسہ | پردیس |
5 | Ufana | عفانہ | معاف کرنے والی |
6 | Ufq | افق | زمین کا خطہ، دنیا |
7 | Ufuq | افق | زمین کا خطہ، دنیا |
8 | Ujaabah | عجابہ | انوکھی |
9 | Ujaala | اجالا | روشنی، روشن، شہرت، منور، دھوپ |
10 | Ujaalaa | اجالا | روشنی، روشن، شہرت، منور، دھوپ |
11 | Ujala | اجالا | روشنی، روشن، شہرت، منور، دھوپ |
12 | Ujlah | عجلہ | تیز |
13 | Ukaasha | عکاشہ | مکڑی |
14 | Ukasha | عکاشہ | مکڑی |
15 | Ukht | اُخت | بہن |
16 | Ula | علا | شور |
17 | Ulaa | علا | شور |
18 | Ulama | علما | عقلمند |
19 | Ulamaa | علما | عقلمند |
20 | Ulfa | علفہ | غذا |
21 | Ulfah | علفہ | غذا |
22 | Ulfat | الفت | محبت، پیار |
23 | Ulkah | الکہ | ملک |
24 | Ultaah | علطہ | ستارے |
25 | Ulwiyyaat | علویات | آسمانی چیزیں |
26 | Ulwiyyat | علویات | آسمانی چیزیں |
27 | Ulya | علیا | بہت بلند |
28 | Ulyaa | علیا | بہت بلند |
29 | Ulzah | علضہ | تحفہ |
30 | Umaarah | عمرہ | مکہ مکرمہ کی زیارت |
31 | Umang | امنگ | جوش، خواہش، جذبہ، خوشی، فخر |
32 | Umara | امرا | دولت مند لوگ، امیر |
33 | Umarah | عمرہ | مکہ مکرمہ کی زیارت |
34 | Umayma | امیمہ | صحابیہ کا نام |
35 | Umaymah | عمیمہ | مکمل، تمام، عام |
36 | Umayyah | امیہ | ایک حدیث کا راوی |
37 | Umbar | امبر | لباس، چادر، بادل، خوشبو، جلد، آسمان |
38 | Umber | امبر | لباس، چادر، بادل، خوشبو، جلد، آسمان |
39 | Umeera | عمیرہ | ایک صحابیہ کا نام |
40 | Umeerah | عمیرہ | ایک صحابیہ کا نام |
41 | Umiyah | امیہ | ایک حدیث کا راوی |
42 | Umiyyah | امیہ | ایک حدیث کا راوی |
43 | Umm Al Nujoom | ام النجوم | ستاروں کی ماں |
44 | Umm E Hani | ام ہانی | حضرت ابو طالب کی بیٹی |
45 | Umra | عمرہ | مکہ مکرمہ کی زیارت |
46 | Umrah | عمرہ | مکہ مکرمہ کی زیارت |
47 | Unaabi | عنابی | گہرا سرخ، مرون |
48 | Unabi | عنابی | گہرا سرخ، مرون |
49 | Unaiza | عنیزہ | سعودی عرب کے ایک شہر کا نام، بکری |
50 | Unaizah | عنیزہ | سعودی عرب کے ایک شہر کا نام، بکری |
51 | Uneezah | عنیزہ | سعودی عرب کے ایک شہر کا نام، بکری |
52 | Unfah | عنفہ | شدت، سختی |
53 | Unqooda | عنقودا | انگور کا گچھا |
54 | Uqbaa | عقبیٰ | آخرت |
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Are you finding an Islamic girls name or a Muslim girls name starting with U for your newly born daughter? The names section of Urdu Point is just the thing you were looking for! Here you can find volumes of Muslim names for girls and Islamic names for girls starting with ”A “ . You can find lots of Islamic names for baby girls and Muslim names for baby girls starting with U . There is a whole list of girls names that provides you with many of the Islamic names for baby girls and Muslim names for baby girls starting with U along with their meanings in various languages. This list also includes the Islamic baby girl names from Quran starting with U .
You can find various Islamic girls names and Muslim girls names starting with U along with their meanings in English, Urdu and Hindi. For instance, you can search for female Islamic names with meaning in Urdu, Muslim baby girl names with meanings, Islamic names for girls with meanings, or Muslim girl names with meanings in Urdu or English starting with “ A ”. You can find Muslim girl names and Islamic baby girl names and meanings in Urdu and English starting with “ A ”. The Pakistani people prefer the Muslim girl names with meanings in Urdu and female Islamic names with meanings in Urdu as it is easier for them to understand Urdu because it is their native language. Plenty of Muslim baby girl names and Islamic baby girl names starting with U are available in this section.
Quranic Girls Names Starting with U
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Help a friend or relative who is blessed with a baby girl and wants to give his or her son a name starting with U by providing him with the link to this section of Urdu Point. They can also look up for the Islamic names for girls with meanings and Muslim girl names starting with U . Help them find the best of Islamic girls names or Muslim girls names for their little one through the website of Urdu Point.
The numerology of names for different Islamic names for girls and Muslim names for girls starting with U is also available over here. You can determine the baby name numerology, name numerology compatibility, numerology name date birth from the name numerology chart provided over here. This name numerology chart is used to determine different things like name numerology compatibility, numerology name date birth and baby name numerology.
Girls Muslim Names Starting with U
The lucky numbers, lucky stones and lucky metals for different Islamic girls names and Muslim names for girls starting with a can be found out from this section as well. You can determine the lucky number by name, lucky stone by name, and lucky metal for various Islamic names for girls and Muslim baby girl names starting with U over here as well. Lucky numbers horoscope can also be checked on a daily basis for different Islamic names for baby girls and Muslim baby girl names starting with U as well.
The names astrology for the Islamic baby girls names and Muslim baby girls names starting with U can also be checked from here. The names astrology can be checked before giving your daughter an Islamic baby girl name or a Muslim baby girl name starting with U . The astrology of names helps you find out the astrology for different Islamic baby girl names and Muslim baby girls names starting with a before naming your daughter.
Baby Muslim Girls Names Starting with U
Now finding the Islamic baby girls names and Muslim baby girls names starting with U is not a problem anymore because Urdu Point has listed them all for you to find them and choose from them. This page provides you with plenty of Muslim girl names and Islamic names for girls starting with U . if you want to give your daughter an Islamic girls name or a Muslim girls name that starts with U , then visit this page right away!
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