Christian Girl Names with Meanings, Lucky Numbers, and Other Details

Christian girl names are challenging to decide as there are many trendy Christian girls names 2024. At UrduPoint, you can find popular Christian girls' names among many common Christian names for girls. You can also find the meaning of each Christian girl's name and all other related details. Christian girls' names are listed here in alphabetical order so that you can see a desired one easily. Most famous Christian girls' names are Agnes, Analia, Julia, and Rachel.

Sr. Name Meaning Religion
1 Jemimah A little dove or Handsome English
2 Eternity An Unending time or Infinity English
3 Anna Favor or Grace English
4 Valentina Latin for brave; strong English
5 Pandora Greek for all gifted English
6 Jaelyn Hebrew for ambitious English
7 Harlyn English for ‘deer meadow’ English
8 Gianna Hebrew for ‘God’s grace’ English
9 Ember English for ‘smouldering remains of a fire’ English
10 Elora English for ‘God gives the laurel’; a crown of victory English
11 Diem Latin for day English
12 Atarah Hebrew for a crown English
13 Ancy Beautiful of All English
14 Alima Intelligent, Wise, Cultured, Strong English
15 Abai The Nile River English
16 Aasta Love English
17 Sophia In Greek, which means 'wisdom', 'wise'. English
18 Layla A variation of an Arabic word Leila, meaning "night","As intoxicating as wine". English
19 Chloe In Greek, it means 'Demeter, the goddess of harvest and fertility', 'green shoot'. English
20 Amelia In German, it means ‘work’ and is a variant of the name ‘Amalia’ and ‘Emelia’. English
21 Puteri Daughter or princess English
22 Safwet Pure English
23 Ienaa Pure English
24 Mubdia One who is smart, creative and innovative English
25 Mawiza Guidance, admonition, word of encouragement English
26 Kembang Flower, or blossom English
27 Terah Wanderer English
28 Masayu Gold or golden English
29 Sapphira Sapphire, Precious stone English
30 Dinihari Dawn English
31 Kasih Love English
32 Haryati Malay word for desire English
33 Surintan Queen or diamond English
34 Jaquelline The supplanter English
35 Adiputeri First daughter or princess English
36 Ellizabeth My god is bountiful ; god English
37 Jennnifer One who is fair ; a beautiful girl English
38 Cempaka Frangipani flower English
39 Merideth seaday English
40 Jullianna Youthful English
41 Melur Jasmine flower English
42 Jaquelinee The supplanter English
43 Melisssa Resembling a honeybee ; in mythology , a nymph English
44 Marinn Of the sea English
45 Britteny A form of britany English
46 Lesliee From the holly garden ; of the gray fortress English
47 Marleene Blend of mary English
48 Kenndra A royal ruler / the champion English
49 Katharyn pure English
50 Lillianna Resembling the lily English
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Christian Girls Names By Alphabet


Whenever a girl is born anywhere, everyone in the family gets excited to name her. According to Christian customs, they name baby girls as per the Holy names in the Bible. At UrduPoint, there are many trendy Christian girls' names arranged in alphabetical order. This way, you can easily find the baby girl's name.

With each name among the popular Christian girl names list, you can find the name's meaning and all other related details. You can easily find a name with the most decent and beautiful meaning for your baby girl. You can enlist your favorite names from our list of Christian girl names to make a choice easy. We believe our list of baby girl Christian names will benefit you.

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