Closing Rates Of PSX 25 January 2018

Closing Rates of PSX  25 January 2018

Following were the Closing Rates of shares at the Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited (PSX) issued here on Thursday

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Jan, 2018 ) :Following were the Closing Rates of shares at the pakistan stock exchange Limited (psx) issued here on Thursday. automobile ASSEMBLER: AL-Ghazi Tractors 664 Atlas Honda Ltd 533.67 Dewan Motors 43.58 Ghand Nissan 161.11 Ghandhara Ind.

584.24 Ghani Automobile 8.59 Hinopak Motor 1151.1 Honda Atlas cars 530.93 Indus Motor Co 1893.96 Millat Tractors 1324.82 Pak Suzuki 525.65 Sazgar Eng 175.44 AUTOMOBILE PARTS & ACCESSORIES: Agriautos Ind.

358.99 Atlas Battery 499.39 Exide (PAK) 506 General Tyre 228.55 Loads Limited 42.89 Thal Limited 570.01 CABLE & ELECTRICAL GOODS: Johnson & Philips 21.1 Pak Elektron 61.61 Pakistan Cables 240 Siemens Pak.XD 964.36 Singer Pak.

47.32 TPL Corp Ltd 8.47 CEMENT: Attock Cement 189 Bestway Cement 155.83 Cherat Cement 139.17 D.G.K.Cement 166.14 Dandot Cement 13.45 Dewan Cement 24.47 Fauji Cement 30 Fecto Cement 60.14 Flying Cement 17.87 Gharibwal Cement 30.53 Javedan Corp.

38 Kohat Cement 168.34 Lucky Cement 666.64 Maple Leaf 85.03 Pioneer Cement 77.95 Power Cement 10.39 Safe Mix Con.Ltd 9.1 Thatta Cement 25.79 CHEMICAL: Agritech Limited 5.7 Akzo Nobel Pak.

219.99 Archroma Pak 580 Berger Paints 172.31 Biafo Ind. 245.5 Colgate Palmolive 2800 Data Agro 15.95 Descon Oxychem 15.92 Dynea Pakistan 94 Engro Polymer 27.09 Ghani Gases 21.66 ICI Pakistan 794.99 Ittehad Chem.

28.91 Linde Pakistan 220.96 Lotte Chemical 8.16 Nimir Ind.Chem. 50 Nimir Resins 7.43 Pak.P.V.C. 6.06 Sitara Chemical 347.04 Sitara Peroxide 17.99 Wah-Noble 223.04 CLOSE - END MUTUAL FUND: Golden Arrow 10.39 PICIC Inv.Fund 13.8 Tri-Star Mutual 4.32 COMMERCIAL BANKS: Allied Bank Ltd 96 Askari Bank 20.9 B.O.Punjab 9.85 Bank Al-Falah 46.15 Bank AL-Habib 64.75 Bankislami Pak.

9.84 Faysal Bank 23.82 Habib Bank 208.68 Habib Metropol. 39.42 JS Bank Ltd 8.41 MCB Bank Ltd 236.56 Meezan Bank 74.25 National Bank 49.34 Samba Bank 6.6 Silk Bank Ltd 1.49 Soneri Bank Ltd 13.49 St.Chart.Bank 25.3 Summit Bank 2.8 United Bank 210.62 ENGINEERING: Ados Pakistan 56.17 Aisha Steel Mill 20.73 Aisha StelCoP/S 20.92 Amreli Steels 96.92 Bolan Casting 126.67 Crescent SteelXD 160.79 Dost Steels Ltd.

12.77 Drekkar Kings 7 Int. Ind.Ltd. 294.78 Inter.Steel Ltd 124.23 Ittefaq Iron Ind Ltd 23.15 K.S.B.Pumps 314 Mughal Iron 75.15 FERTILIZER: Arif Habib Corp 36.

62 Dawood Hercules 124.64 Engro Corp 305.79 Engro Fert.

68.97 Fatima Fert. 32.17 Fauji Fert Bin 39.65 Fauji Fert. 87.96 food & PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS: Al-Shaheer Corp 26.87 Clover Pakistan 53.46 Engro Foods Ltd. 91 Fauji Foods Ltd 21.16 Fauji FoodsNonV 19.9 Murree Brewery 800 Nestle Pakistan 11850 Quice Food 5.42 Shield Corp.

371.17 Treet Corp 47.83 Treet Corp(PTCs) 14.23 ZIL Limited 113.32 GLASS & CERAMICS: Bal.Glass 10.51 Frontier Ceram 20.23 Ghani Glass Ltd 70.46 Ghani Value Gla. 26.73 GhaniGlobalGlass 17.14 Shabbir Tiles 16.5 Tariq Glass Ind.

103.4 INSURANCE: Adamjee Ins. 56.98 Ask.Gen.Insur. 27.5 Century Ins. 27 Cres.Star Ins. 4.98 EFU General 152.11 EFU Life Assr 260 Habib Ins. 14 IGI Insurance 357.94 Pak Gen.Ins. 7.68 Pak Reinsurance 43.21 PICIC Ins.Ltd.XR 3.34 Reliance Ins.

7.65 Shaheen Ins. 5.12 United Insuranc 17.75 INV. BANKS / INV. COS. / SECURITIES COS: Apna Microfin. 6.5 Arif Habib Ltd. 52.93 BIPL Securities 7.1 Cyan Limited 41.83 Dawood Equities 4.18 EFG Hermes Pak 86.49 Escorts Bank 30.11 F.

Nat.Equities 6.53 Invest Bank 1.96 Ist.Capital Sec 2.53 Ist.Dawood Bank 2.33 Jah.Sidd. Co. 19.85 JS Global Cap. 47.77 JS Investments 10.89 MCB-ARIF HabibXD 27.01 Next Capital 9.79 Pak Stock Exchange 22.99 Pervez Ahmed 1.2 Sec.

Inv. Bank 6.95 Trust BrokerageXR 11.6 Trust Inv.Bank 2.5 LEASING COMPANIES: Grays Leasing 5.1 Orix Leasing 40.18 Saudi Pak Leasi 1.82 Security Leasin 10.02 LEATHER & TANNERIES: Bata (Pak) 2500 Leather Up Ltd.

17.63 Service Ind.Ltd 984.33 MISCELLANEOUS: AKD Capital 132.51 ECOPACK Ltd 23.42 Gammon Pak 18.6 GOC (Pak) Ltd. 57.91 MACPAC Films 18.94 Pace (Pak) Ltd. 5.02 Pak Hotels 94.2 Shifa Int.Hosp 310 Siddiqsons Tin 31.5 Synthetic Prod 60 TPL Properties 9.53 Tri-Pack Films 163 United Brands 473.82 United Dist.

51.03 MODARABAS : B.R.R.Guardian 8.24 Cres. Stand.Mod 3.5 Elite Cap.Mod 3.17 Equity ModarabaXD 4.7 Habib ModarabaXD 10.5 I.B.L.Modaraba 3.5 Nat.Bank Mod. 2.25 Orix Modaraba 20.5 Pak Mod.

2.5 Paramount Mod 7.1 Popular Islamic Mod. 4 Prud Mod.1st 2.4 Punjab ModXD 5 Sindh Modaraba 6 Tri-Star 1st. M 11 U.D.L.Modaraba 21.73 Unicap Modaraba 1.71 OIL & GAS EXPLORATION COMPANIES: Mari Petroleum 1536.56 Oil & Gas Dev. 169.47 Pak Oilfields 569.11 Pak Petroleum 206.17