KATI Welcomes Reduction In POL Prices


KATI welcomes reduction in POL prices

The Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI) Friday applauded significant reduction in petroleum prices and stressed that benefit of price reduction should be reflected in transportation cost

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) The Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI) Friday applauded significant reduction in petroleum prices and stressed that benefit of price reduction should be reflected in transportation cost.

President KATI, Johar Qandhari emphasized that recent decrease in petrol and diesel prices should directly benefit the common man and government and relevant authorities to enforce fare reductions for both freight and public transportation.

He pointed out that transporters raise fares immediately after increase in petroleum prices but they do not reduce the fares when those prices were lowered down.

It keeps the cost of transportation high that not only affect trade and industry but general public also continue to face high transport fares, he added.

President KATI argued that lowering transportation costs was essential to reduce inflation and allowing the public to benefit from the government's positive decision. Highlighting the issues of inflation, poverty, and unemployment and its impacts on food prices, Qandhari stressed that benefits of reduced petroleum prices to be effectively communicated and passed on to the public.