Planing Minister Surrenders Expensive Official Vehicle

Planing Minister surrenders expensive official vehicle

Minister for Planning Development and Special Initiatives Professor Ahsan Iqbal on Saturday returned expensive official vehicle provided to him for use as federal minister.

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th Feb, 2023 ) :Minister for Planning Development and Special Initiatives Professor Ahsan Iqbal on Saturday returned expensive official vehicle provided to him for use as Federal minister.

He returned the vehicle in order to implement austerity measures announced by the Prime Minister to overcome the current economic challenges faced by the country, said a press release.

The minister, in a letter to Secretary Cabinet Division, said he was provided an expensive vehicle with engine capacity of 4,500cc for use as Member National Assembly, and asked for providing a vehicle having 1,800cc or lesser engine capacity to save the fuel and maintenance costs.

He said during current economic crisis faced by the county, it would be an appropriate step towards right direction and called upon the masses to cooperate with the government during these difficult times to pull out the country from prevailing economic crisis.

It is worth mentioning here that Prime Minister had also issued the direction to Cabinet for reducing all non-developmental expenses to minimize burden from the national exchequer.