AJK Prime Minister Seeks Timely Completion Of Under-construction Dev. Projects Of Mass Public Welfare In The State:

AJK Prime Minister seeks timely completion of under-construction Dev. Projects of mass public welfare in The State:

Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider Khan has directed authorities concerned to accelerate pace of work on under-construction projects under Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) and complete the projects on fast track basis across the State

MIRPUR (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Jan, 2020 ) :Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider Khan has directed authorities concerned to accelerate pace of work on under-construction projects under Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) and complete the projects on fast track basis across the State.

Presiding over a high level meeting in the State's metropolis on Wednesday, he said Muzaffarabad Greater Water Supply Scheme and other projects of mass public welfare should also be completed within stipulated time frame as early as possible.

The Prime Minister was briefed about progress on Lohar Galli-Muzaffarabad Tunnel, Kamsar-Kahori Tunnel, Building for AJK Legislative Assembly and Makkri Water Supply Scheme.

He was briefed that some projects are pending due to stay orders from courts.

Moreover, tendering process for building of AJK Legislative Assembly has been completed and work on it will be initiated soon. Similarly work on other projects would be stepped up.

Speaking on the occasion, Prime Minister Farooq Haider directed that no leniency would be tolerated in development process and action would be taken against officers showing negligence.

He also directed to make tendering process more transparent and pursue cases to vacate stay orders at the earliest.

Chairman Prime Minister's Inspection and Implementation Commission Zahid Ameen Kashif, Additional Chief Secretary (Development) Dr. Syed Asif Hussain, and other senior officials of the state government were also present on this occasion.