Admin Launches Heat Wave Combat Initiative

Admin launches heat wave combat initiative

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Rawalpindi district administration on the orders of the Punjab government has launched heat wave combat initiative and spreading awareness on heatstroke besides educating the citizens on preventive measures against heatstroke.

According to a district administration spokesman, Rawalpindi district administration was taking all possible steps to protect the citizens from heat stroke.

On the direction of Deputy Commissioner Rawalpindi, Hasan Waqar Cheema, the administration had launched an awareness campaign. Covered places and water coolers were arranged for the public on Murree Road, other main roads and bus stands.

Awareness was also being provided to the public regarding preventive measures to prevent heat wave, the spokesman said.

In response to the recent surge in temperatures, the DC had issued directives to authorities concerned to take immediate actions.

The heat wave was increasing due to the intensity of hot weather from last few days, he added.

The spokesman urged the citizens not to go out of their homes unnecessarily and keep themselves covered. Water should be used more to avoid the effects of heat wave.

The citizens could protect themselves from the effects of heat wave by taking precautionary measures, he added.

The authorities concerned had been directed to ensure preparedness for anticipated heat wave.

Hassan Waqar Cheema had directed the authorities concerned to take all possible steps to ensure preparedness and safety in light of the anticipated heat wave in Rawalpindi district.

Tents were installed in different areas of the city to facilitate the citizens besides ensuring availability of fans and cold drinking water, he said.

Heat stroke camps were being set up at bus stands, Suzuki stops, Nawaz Sharif Park on Main Murree Road, Kutchery Chowk, Raja Bazar, Saddar and other public areas, he informed.