Advisor Tourism Visits Galyat, Directs To Remove Encroachments

Advisor Tourism visits Galyat, directs to remove encroachments

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Advisor to Chief Minister KP on Tourism, Culture and Archeology Zahid Chanzeb on Sunday expressed his displeasure over the illegal encroachments in Galyat and issued instructions to the concerned quarters to remove them immediately and submit the report of all the leased properties to him within ten days.

He also paid a detailed visit to the parks, public washrooms and parking areas in Nathiagali and Dongagali.

On this occasion, he expressed his indignation over the deteriorating condition of the washrooms and issued instructions to immediately allocate 20 washrooms separately for men and women and keep them clean.

While at the same time orders were also issued to remove the illicit encroachments and keep it as resting places for tourists only.

He also directed to prepare a map of the land in Dongagali and make a modern parking area for tourists so that the issue of parking in the area could be solved in the true sense.

He also visited the Himala House and issued instructions to complete the necessary renovation work going on there as soon as possible and to provide Wi-Fi and other facilities for the tourists as well.

Zahid Chanzeb further directed that the process of providing vehicles and motorcycles to the tourism police posted at Galyat and other tourist places should be started immediately and check posts should also be established for them where instead of body searching of the tourists, uniformed well-mannered police jawans would receive them and be there to provide them with facilities and guidance, to let the tourists experience pleasant changes.

Zahid Chanzeb directed the Galyat Development Authority (GDA) to immediately remove all encroachments on the sides of the roads and to submit a detailed report of the rest areas of various leased properties within ten days to him.

He cautioned that removal of all kinds of encroachments should be ensured before the tourism season reach the climax so that the soaring rush of tourists during the season can be properly managed.

He directed the tourism officials to make the tourists fully aware of the usefulness of the tourism helpline so that they could be fully aware and could contact the helpline 1422 of the tourism department before visiting the tourist spots and get complete information including weather conditions and during the trip. Also, if they face any vehicle faults or any other difficulty, they can be helped practically, he concluded.