AFC Food Department Inspects Various Markets In Kohat

AFC Food Department Inspects Various Markets in Kohat

KOHAT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th May, 2024) Assistant Food Controller of the Food Department, Gulab Gul, inspected various markets in Kohat on Monday.

Following the special instructions of Deputy Commissioner Kohat, Dr Azmatullah Wazir, the Assistant Food Controller visited various markets in Kohat city.

He inspected the weight of bread in bakery shops and checked the prices and cleanliness of other food items.

During this inspection, shopkeepers who violated the official price list were fined, and instructions were issued to ensure the implementation of the official price list.

Gulab Gul emphasized that the buying and selling of substandard items will not be tolerated, and strict legal action will be taken against those involved.


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