Commissioner Expresses Dismay Over Slow Recovery Pace

Commissioner expresses dismay over slow recovery pace

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Divisional Commissioner Madam Silwat Saeed has expressed dismay and resentment over slow recovery pace in Faisalabad.

Chairing a meeting here on Wednesday, she reviewed recovery pace and performance of various sections of Municipal Corporation Faisalabad and said that building inspectors should be activated in the field on urgent basis.

She said that revenue was the basic key to improve performance of any department, therefore, recovery pace should be accelerated and strict action should be taken against those building owners who were reluctant to pay government dues despite repeated requests.

She also directed to seal buildings and properties of the defaulters and said that recovery progress would also be reviewed in next meeting scheduled to be held after fortnight and no lethargy or negligence would be tolerated in this regard.

Chief Officer MCF Muhammad Zubair Watto and others were also present in the meeting.