Concept Paper For “Faisalabad Integrated Urban Water Management And Vitalization Project” Approved

Concept paper for “Faisalabad Integrated Urban Water Management and Vitalization Project” approved

The Central Development Working Party (CDWP) has approved a concept paper for “Faisalabad Integrated Urban Water Management and Vitalization Project”

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) The Central Development Working Party (CDWP) has approved a concept paper for “Faisalabad Integrated Urban Water Management and Vitalization Project”.

According to official sources here Thursday, the Asian Development Bank would provide financial aid of $ 1.2 million for preparation of feasibility of a mega project of waste water treatment plant.

The wastewater treatment plant will be the first mega project in the country which will be set up in the eastern part of the city with 66 million gallon daily capacity.

Under the project, a centralized wastewater treatment plant will be constructed on Satiana Road while de-centralized wastewater treatment plants in five different villages will be part of the project. This plant will help overcome environmental pollution related issues of the city besides watering crops with treated water.