DC Chairs Meeting To Review The Performance Of Price Control Magistrates

DC chairs meeting to review the performance of price control magistrates

A meeting to review the performance of price control magistrates under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner Zulfiqar Ahmed Bhoon was held in the committee room of the DC office on Friday

BAHAWALNAGAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) A meeting to review the performance of price control magistrates under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner Zulfiqar Ahmed Bhoon was held in the committee room of the DC office on Friday.

On this occasion, Deputy Commissioner Zulfiqar Ahmed Bhoon said that providing relief to the people was the first priority of the Punjab government.

It was informed in the meeting that the Price Control Magistrates visited 11607 shops, carts, and other business centers and inspected the price of food items and the quality of essential items from May 1, 2024, to May 15, 2024. Price control magistrates imposed a total fine of more than 837,500 rupees for selling food items above the price.

Three FIRs were registered against 34 shopkeepers in the respective police stations, and 821 shops were sealed and 83 people were arrested.

DC also urged that in order to provide relief to consumers, the Price Control Magistrates should visit the shops and business centers for regular inspection and ensure the sale of essential commodities as per the prescribed rates.

The price lists should be displayed in a prominent place so that customers do not face any problems while purchasing, he added.
