Delegation Of 35th Management Course Visits DIG Hazara Office

Delegation of 35th management course visits DIG Hazara office

ABBOTTABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) A delegation of 35th management course from National Institute of Management Islamabad here on Thursday visited Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Hazara office.

During the visit, DIG Tahir Ayub Khan, reiterated the Hazara Police’s unwavering commitment to protecting citizens’ lives and property, and ensuring swift justice for all.

ASP, Kinat Faiza Tanveer highlighted the steps taken by the police to enhance public convenience, prevent crimes, and address emerging challenges.

The DIG emphasized the significant efforts undertaken to secure Chinese and developmental projects, acknowledging the continuous vigilance required for their success.

As a token of appreciation, Coordinator, Imran Ali Noor presented a shield to DIG Tahir Ayub Khan on behalf of the National Institute of Management, while the DIG reciprocated by presenting a shield to ADS Shumaila Zubair Ahmad in recognition of Hazara Police’s collaboration.

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