Exhibition 'Archipelago Of The Self' To Be Unveiled On Friday

Exhibition 'Archipelago of the Self' to be unveiled on Friday

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2024) The exhibition titled “Archipelago of the Self” by famous artist Ahmer Farooq will open at Tanzara Gallery on May 24 (Friday) portraying the complex interplay between personal and societal forces.

According to the details, Ambassador of Norway, Per Albert Ilsaas is likely to inaugurate the exhibition.

This captivating exhibition delves into the complex interplay between personal and societal forces, expertly navigating the multifaceted nature of the self.

  Through his brushstrokes and compositions, Farooq shed light on the fragmented realities of marginalized individuals, offering a poignant reflection on the constant negotiation of public, private, and secret selves.

Each piece in this collection serves as a testament to the resilience and courage required to navigate the turbulent waters of societal expectations and norms.

The 'Archipelago of the Self,' allow yourself to be immersed in the intricate narratives woven by Farooq's art.

Witnessing the intersection and blending of identities, the clash and harmony of voices, as they navigate the spaces they inhabit. Farooq's work serves as a powerful reminder of the emotional burden carried by those living on the margins, while also offering a beacon of hope for building bridges of understanding and connection.

This exhibition will inspire empathy, introspection, and a renewed commitment to fostering inclusivity and acceptance within our communities.

About the exhibition, Ahmer Farooq stated, “Let me take you into the world of constant negotiation of the public, private, and secret selves that marginalised individuals—women, religious minorities, ethnic minorities, queer individuals, and the economically marginalised—must perform to remain safe and acceptable in Pakistan”.

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