Fine Of More Than Rs 0.7 Mln Imposed On Overpricing

Fine of more than Rs 0.7 mln imposed on overpricing

BAHAWALPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th May, 2024) Following the instructions of the Chief Minister of Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif, Price Control Magistrates are active in the field to eliminate profiteering and hoarding under the supervision of Deputy Commissioner Zaheer Anwar Jappa.

Assistant Commissioners and Price Control Magistrates of the district are monitoring the auction of fruits and vegetables in fruit and vegetable markets early in the morning. Price Control Magistrates are active in the field to ensure the sale of food items at the prescribed rates.

During the period from May 25 to May 27, the Price Control Magistrates visited 11,563 shops, carts, and business centers across the district and checked the prices of food items. During this period, the Price Control Magistrates imposed a total fine of over Rs.

739,000 for violations.

One FIR was registered, 5 shops were sealed and 98 profiteers were arrested. Price Control Magistrates are also ensuring the sale of tandoori roti and naan at the prescribed rates. On May 27, Price Control Magistrates inspected 59 places for the sale of tandoori roti and naan at the prescribed rates.

During this period, a fine of Rs. 7,000 was imposed for violation. The DC said that the price lists should be displayed prominently so that consumers do not face any difficulty during the purchase. The DC has instructed the Price Control Magistrates to ensure the sale of food items according to the prescribed rates and to take legal action in case of any violation.