Gilani Says, Coalition Partners To Support Each Other Through Thick And Thin For Peoples’ Welfare

Gilani says, coalition partners to support each other through thick and thin for peoples’ welfare

Senate Chairman Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani said on Thursday that there was understanding that coalition partners of the incumbent government would support each other through thick and thin for the welfare of people and no backstabbing is expected in such cordial situation

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Senate Chairman Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani said on Thursday that there was understanding that coalition partners of the incumbent government would support each other through thick and thin for the welfare of people and no backstabbing is expected in such cordial situation.

While talking to media persons who called on the Chairman Senate at Multan Circuit House, Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani said that Pakistan Peoples Party was earlier reluctant to join the coalition but later did so with conditions and there was an understanding that coalition partners would stay supportive be it difficult or tough times and there would be no backstabbing. He added he was happy that things were moving this way.

However, to a question regarding south Punjab province, he said that south Punjab as a separate province was part of his party and partners' manifestoes too. He ruled out any possibility of backtracking on this demand. There exists no such understanding that could make people think PPP could think otherwise on this issue, Gilani said. “Its not just secretariat, PPP advocated south Punjab as a separate province,” Gilani said when asked about the south Punjab secretariat.

To a question on problems being faced by wheat farmers, Gilani said that talks should be held to thrash out a solution so that farmers should get their due and middle men should not take undue advantage of the situation.

To another question, the Chairman Senate said that there is no chance of trouble if all institutions work within their ambit as per the constitution.

Gilani said that he sternly believe there was no place for violence in politics adding that peaceful protest is the right of every citizen but violence will not be tolerated in any situation. He said, political maturity, patience, taking others’ point of view into account and dialogue was the key in resolving political matters and PPP leadership had always advocated dialogue.

He said, President Asif Ali Zardari had also stressed on dialogue after taking over as head of the State. He said, atmosphere in the Senate was good where Opposition was expressing its point of view and there is no problem.

When asked about privatization, he said that party has already expressed its stance at the floor of the house and made it public adding that all coalition partners will be consulted and their budget proposals will be accommodated accordingly.

The Chairman Senate said, he wished that the projects that had remained incomplete during his tenure as Prime Minister would be completed on priority. He said that Special Economic Zones (SEZs) were planned elsewhere in Pakistan under China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) but not in south Punjab. However, he had then initiated the case for an SEZ in Jalalpur Pirwala tehsil in Multan where 165 acre land was allocated and transferred to board of Investment (BoI) and Ministry of Industries.

He said that if developed as SEZ, this facility would prove to be a game changer for south Punjab. He also mentioned other projects that had remained incomplete including dualization of approach road to Head Muhammad Wala, dualization of Multan-Vehari road, Multan Ring Road, Multan Cadet College, Nadir Abad Level Crossing. He said, he also wished a Thalassemia hospital in Multan and has asked his son MPA Syed Ali Haidar Gilani to introduce a Bill in Punjab Assembly for pre-marriage blood screening for Thalassemia. He said the law making was important for prevention of chances of further spread of the disease. He said that Multan was the third largest city of Punjab and was among the oldest living cities on earth comparable to Demascus and added that Multan deserved to be declared as big city.