Governor Balochistan Sheikh Jafar Khan Mandukhil For Making Serious Decision For Development Of Balochistan


Governor Balochistan Sheikh Jafar Khan Mandukhil for making serious decision for development of Balochistan

Governor Balochistan Sheikh Jafar Khan Mandukhil on Thursday said we have to make serious decision soon to address the complex problems with the aim to put the province on track of development

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) Governor Balochistan Sheikh Jafar Khan Mandukhil on Thursday said we have to make serious decision soon to address the complex problems with the aim to put the province on track of development.

He expressed these views while addressing the participants of the event organized by Voice of Balochistan at Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Science (BUITEMS) under the title "Journey towards Peace and Stability in Balochistan".

A large number of students including provincial ministers Raheela Hameed Khan Durrani, Zahoor Ahmed Buledi, Mir Ziaullah longove, Vice Chancellor of BUITEMS Dr. Khalid Hafeez, and spokesperson of the provincial government Shahid Rind were also present on this occasion.

The Governor said that the problem of unrest and insurgency in Balochistan was a political problem, there was also a sustainable political solution. Whatever the situation may be, we must keep the door open for consultation and continued dialogue, he noted.

He said that sometimes it becomes very important to find a timely solution to a collective problem, in the case of ignoring the collective problem, we may face many other concerns and dangers at the political and social level.

Paying tribute to Gulzar Imam and Sarfraz Bangulzai for joining the national stream, he said that it was certainly a happy development for all of us.

He said that we were facing many problems regarding insurgency and tension in Balochistan and due to this, several lives and financial losses have been caused at the official and public level.

He said that he personally valued productive negotiations with disgruntled brothers and surrendering for the sake of national interest.

The Governor of Balochistan said that apart from this, in view of the wonderful values and traditions of the Pashtun, Baloch in Balochistan, it could be said with confidence that the problems faced at the public level would be solved through Jirga and battle.

He said that that it was a fact that the common man of Balochistan was in a lot of trouble due to insurgency, poverty, inflation and unemployment in the province. Therefore, we have to make serious decisions immediately to address the complex problems which are being faced, he said and added that there were still bright possibilities to find a workable and acceptable political solution to the tense situation and political crisis.