Health Minister Lauds New Air Ambulance Service As 'gift From CM'

Health minister lauds new air ambulance service as 'gift from CM'

Punjab Minister for Health and Emergency Services Khawaja Salman Rafique has appreciated the introduction of the air ambulance service as a gift from Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif for the people of the province

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) Punjab Minister for Health and Emergency Services Khawaja Salman Rafique has appreciated the introduction of the air ambulance service as a gift from Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif for the people of the province.

Presiding over a meeting at the Emergency Head Office on Friday, he underscored the government's commitment to enhancing welfare of Punjab's citizens through improved emergency services.

"Emergency Services is the department dedicated to welfare of the people of Punjab," the minister added. "We are focusing on capacity building for our field staff to ensure they can meet the demands of emergency situations effectively."

The minister highlighted ongoing efforts to review and enhance emergency services on motorways and improve the existing motorbike service. He also emphasised that public projects under the Department of Emergency Services Punjab will undergo weekly reviews to ensure their efficacy and progress.

Punjab Emergency Services Department Secretary Dr. Rizwan Naseer, aligning with the minister's vision, detailed the department's achievements, noting that emergency services have been delivered to two million citizens to date. The meeting included discussions on the motorbike service, annual development projects, the new air ambulance service, the life saver program, and services on motorways.

During his visit, the minister also toured the Emergency Response Center to assess its operations firsthand. The meeting was attended by key officials,including , Deputy Director of Finance Ijaz Virk, Head of Law and Administration Ali Hassan, Head of Information Diba Shahnaz, and other officers.