ICT Goes Digital: E-Stamps Set To Simplify Legalities


ICT goes digital: E-Stamps set to simplify legalities

In a significant move aimed at modernizing administrative processes, Deputy Commissioner Islamabad, Irfan Nawaz Memon, spearheaded the transition from traditional stamp papers to e-stamp papers

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) In a significant move aimed at modernizing administrative processes, Deputy Commissioner Islamabad, Irfan Nawaz Memon, spearheaded the transition from traditional stamp papers to e-stamp papers.

According to the Spokesman of ICT's Administration, this decision promises enhanced convenience for citizens engaging in property transactions and other legal matters within the capital. By embracing technology, Islamabad aimed at to streamline the cumbersome process of acquiring manual stamp papers.

In a recent meeting with representatives from Punjab Bank, DC Memon discussed the implementation of e-stamping, highlighting its benefits and ease of verification through barcoding.

This transition marked a progressive step towards digitizing administrative procedures, aligning with global trends of digital governance. Soon, citizens of Islamabad would bid farewell to the hassle of manual stamp papers, embracing the efficiency and reliability of e-stamp papers for their legal transactions.