Mayor Sukkur Inspects Development Projects

Mayor Sukkur inspects development projects

Mayor Sukkur Barrister Arslan Sheikh on Monday inspected the development projects in several roads of Sukkur city

SUKKUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th Jan, 2024) Mayor Sukkur Barrister Arslan Sheikh on Monday inspected the development projects in several roads of Sukkur city.

He shook hands with the labourers busy doing piling, drilling work and commended them on working diligently on the public welfare project in a cold weather in the early morning.

The Mayor directed to utilise all the necessary resources for early construction of the Military road, saying that piling work should be moved forward swiftly along with accelerating pace of work.

He emphasized that the work should be completed at the earliest for the facilitation of people. The new roads would greatly ease traffic, he added.

The Municipal Commissioner Muhammad Ali Sheikh and the contractor gave a detailed briefing about progress on Barrage road, Worksop Road, Station Road and Shalimar road. Besides, the piling and boring process continues for 24 hours and two new machines have been installed for the piling work at the Lansdowne Bridge of Rohri.