Mirpur Goes In Grip Of Rising Mercury, Paralyzing Daily Life


Mirpur goes in grip of rising mercury, paralyzing daily life

Suffering at least 42 degrees Celsius, daily life was partially affected in the lake district of Mirpur Azad Jammu Kashmir on Thursday

MIRPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) Suffering at least 42 degrees Celsius, daily life was partially affected in the lake district of Mirpur Azad Jammu Kashmir on Thursday. 

Some of the victims, mostly children, were shifted to local private and government hospitals following diarrhea and gastroenteritis caused by the severe hot spell during routine movement, local hospital sources told APP here Thursday evening. 

At least two dozen diarrhea- and gastroenteritis-suffering children reportedly landed in hospitals during the past week, an official of the hospital said. He added that some mild heat sufferers were, however, discharged from the hospital after requiring medicare.

Meanwhile, when contacted, seasoned physician of family medicines and medical specialist Dr. Khalid Yousaf of Jinnah Hospital Mirpur advised the people to avoid traveling and coming out of shelters in the sun-shine during the peak hot-spell hours, mostly after noon. If necessary, the people should keep a wet piece of cloth on their heads, wear a cap, or take an umbrella to avert the threat of a hot spell.

Talking to this APP correspondent, Dr. Khalid also advised the frequent use of liquid, hygienic water to be saved from dehydration in the summer, particularly in the going hot spell regime.
