News Attributed To FM Qureshi On Pak-Israel Ties Fake: Spokesperson

News attributed to FM Qureshi on Pak-Israel ties fake: Spokesperson

A spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Monday termed as fake a news item attributed to the foreign minister regarding relations between Pakistan and Israel and urged media to be careful in spreading such a malicious content.

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 12th Nov, 2018 ) :A spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Monday termed as fake a news item attributed to the foreign minister regarding relations between Pakistan and Israel and urged media to be careful in spreading such a malicious content.

According to the spokesperson, the foreign ministry noticed a "fake news" regarding Pakistan and Israel relations, allegedly released by "Express News." "This news, circulating on the internet, was retweeted by a journalist, Umer Cheema. We got in touch with him, and he informed us that after realising that it was a fake news, he had deleted his tweet," the spokesman said.

He said Express News had also informed the foreign ministry that it was a fake news item, as all the news items released by them had the news link posted along with the news.

The spokesperson expected that Umer Cheema might also inform his followers that it was a "fake news" and urged all the people, especially journalists, to be more careful in retweeting such malicious content.The spokesperson said the ministry was also asking the ministries of interior and information to look into accounts generating such false news and take appropriate action against them, as per the law.

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