One Shot Dead, Other Killed In Accident

One shot dead, other killed in accident

A man was murdered while an elderly man was killed in a road accident near here on Wednesday

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) A man was murdered while an elderly man was killed in a road accident near here on Wednesday.

According to police, unidentified persons shot dead 30-year-old Muhammad Attique in Chak No 483-GB in the limits of Muridwala police station.

The deceased was father of three children and was an employee at the lands of a landlord.

Police have shifted the body to a mortuary for autopsy and collected forensic evidence for legal action.

Separately, a 90-year-old person named Anwar Ali, son of Mehr Ali, was run over by a tractor-trolley near Chak No 117-JB, Dhanola. He was a resident of Hajvery Town.

The boy was handed over to Millat Town police station.