PA Passes Resolution Paying Homage To President Of Iran, Offers Condolence To Iranian People

PA passes resolution paying homage to President of Iran, offers condolence to Iranian people

The Provincial Assembly (PA) of Sindh on Monday passed a resolution paying homage to Iranian President Syed Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and other personalities, who lost their lives in a tragic helicopter crash.

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th May, 2024) The Provincial Assembly (PA) of Sindh on Monday passed a resolution paying homage to Iranian President Syed Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and other personalities, who lost their lives in a tragic helicopter crash.

The resolution was moved by Sindh Home Minister Ziaul Hasan Lanjar.

He said, "This House expresses its deepest condolences and sorrow over the tragic helicopter accident that resulted in the loss of Iranian President Syed Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian, and other esteemed personalities."

He said that Iran was a strong and steadfast friend of Pakistan. The two nations share a rich history and cultural heritage with deep and strong roots. Iran was the first country, who recognized Pakistan's existence and both the nations had stood each other through thick and thin, he added.

The Home Minister said that this house extended its heartfelt condolences to the Iranian people and the families of the deceased.

Chief Minister of Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah, speaking on the resolution, said that the previous day was the sad day for the whole Muslim world.

He said that the President of Iran, Foreign Minister and others lost their lives in the tragic helicopter crash. Murad said, 'I myself, on behalf of the Sindh government and the people of Sindh share sympathies with the people of Iran in this hour of grief.


He said that the Iranian President visited Karachi on April 23, 2024 and after a long time a head of state had visited the country.

The Chief Minister said that the Iranian President held his all events in the Chief Minister House Sindh and addressed a big gathering. He gave a message to the Muslim countries to be united and condemned Israeli occupied forces.

'He spent a few hours in Karachi will be remembered, ' he said adding, 'We also had announced holiday a day ago of his visit in view of a intelligence based information.'

He said that Iranian nation was a resilient nation and they had been working under sanctions for a long time. The CM also expressed his grief and sorrow over the death of the Iranian President.

The Opposition Leader in Sindh Assembly Ali Khursheedi said that the death of Iranian President was a tragic incident for the entire Muslim ummah. Pakistan had lost a good friend. He further said that the hearts of people of Pakistan went out to the people of Iran in this hour of grief.

The other members of the provincial assembly belonging to treasury and opposition benches also spoke on the resolution and expressed their sympathies and grief over the incident.

Earlier, the PA session started with recitation from Holy Quran and Naat Sharif with Speaker Syed Owais Qadir Shah in the chair.

Later, the session was deferred until Wednesday.