Pakistan Needs Healing Touch To Pull Her Out Of Multiple Challenges: Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed


Pakistan needs healing touch to pull her out of multiple challenges: Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed

Senator and seasoned politician Mushahid Hussain Sayed on Saturday said that the country needed a healing touch to put her on the path to strong foreign policy, economic and political stability

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) Senator and seasoned politician Mushahid Hussain Sayed on Saturday said that the country needed a healing touch to put her on the path to strong foreign policy, economic and political stability.

While addressing a conference on 'A World in Turmoil' organized by Pakistan Institute of International Affairs (PIIA) at a local hotel here, he stressed the need for domestic political stability in the country.

He said we know how to preserve and protect our foreign policy. He said that the country needed a regional re-set with our neighbours and should not be part of any civil war in the future.

He said, 'This is the world of open borders.'

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed said that China was time-tested friend of Pakistan and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) provided Pakistan to be regional hub of connectivity.

He said that China was a power, which had challenged the Western hegemony.

Sayed said the country had got an opportunity to form a strong foreign policy for the benefit of the nation.

He said we should further show strong viewpoint on Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and show solidarity with Palestine.

He said that any party, which was mandated in the general elections be respected.

Senator Mushahid Sayed said that the supremacy of law and constitution were vital. He said we should learn from the mistakes of the past.

He said that the country believed in democracy and human rights and should move forward as per the principles.

Mushahid said that the world was in transformation and new order was emerging.

He said that China was overtaking United States in high-tech as per a study. He said that around 130 countries had more trade with China than the United States and the trades were being done in local currencies instead of Dollar.

The Senator said that Israel carried out televised genocide in modern history, which had showed the double standards of the western countries.

He said that Jews, Christians, Hindus and Muslims had stood in favour of the humanity against Israel around the world.

He said that IIOJK and Palestine were under military occupation.

The Former Ambassador of Pakistan to USA Jalil Abbas Jilani addressing the participants said that the world was passing through a challenging time.

He said that the world was facing climate change.

Jilani said that Israel and Palestine confrontation was underway and the children in Palestine were deprived of food.

On the occasion, different sessions were held in the conference and discussed topics including contemporary conflicts in the world, Disinformation, Cyber Threats and nuclear risk and intersecting crises of climate change and food seucirty.

The experts also put shed light on the topics and stressed the need for taking steps and forming effective policies.