Pakistan Railways Resumes Malkwal-Pind Dadan Khan Shuttle Train

Pakistan Railways resumes Malkwal-Pind Dadan Khan shuttle train

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th Dec, 2022 ) :Pakistan Railways on Friday resumed shuttle train service between Malakwal and Pind Dadan Khan to facilitate the passengers.

According to the officials of Pakistan Railways Rawalpindi Division, the decision was taken on the directions of Minister for Railways Khawaja Saad Rafique who had directed the Divisional Superintendent, Pakistan Railways Rawalpindi Division to finalize arrangements to start the shuttle train service.

The officials said that Pakistan Railways were taking solid steps to provide safe travelling facilities to the passengers, adding that Malakwal and Pind Dadan Khan railway track, which was closed due to lockdowns imposed during the coronavirus pandemic, could not be restored. Thousands of passengers from three districts of Rawalpindi Division were facing difficulties and demanding restart of the shuttle train service.

The shuttle train service was inaugurated here by a passenger who purchased first ticket of the train.

On this occasion, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Railways, Syed Mazhar Ali Shah, Divisional Superintendent, Pakistan Railways Rawalpindi, Inamullah Khan, and Divisional Officers were present.

The shuttle train service consists of four economy class coaches and a brake van for the delivery of goods, which would run three times between Malkwal to Pind Dadan Khan daily.

The passengers expressing their pleasures appreciated the step taken to facilitate them on the directives of Federal Minister for Railways and the Chairman Pakistan Railways.

The fare from Malkwal to Pind Dadan Khan has been fixed Rs 180 and Rs 140 for Haranpur.

The officials also requested the public not to travel without tickets and take special care of cleanliness in the train so that this shuttle service could be continued.